Category: ‘Important Notifications’

The TABC launches the online Regulatory Licensing and Permitting System (RLPS)

Here is the notice from the TABC regarding the new online Regulatory Licensing and Permitting System (RLPS): The TABC is excited to announce the launch of the Regulatory Licensing and Permitting System (RLPS) on January 22, 2018. RLPS will allow the agency to more efficiently process licenses and permits, but we will need your help. […] Read more


Compliance Check Urban Myths

The stories run amuck when it comes to compliance checks and who’s friend heard from somebody that someone got “busted” for… First, the TABC is not going to do something that costs them time with no results. They have specific rules and regulations that govern what can and cannot happen with the underage buyer and […] Read more