15 Days and Counting to Wine in Grocery Stores in Tennessee
Wine in Grocery Stores, which we affectionately call WIGS, becomes legal on July 1. Just 15 days away from today, June 16.
For those of us at ground zero in the licensing process for WIGS, it is crunch time.
Today, we celebrated Christmas in June with new ABC Director Clay Byrd. We picked up 120 food store licenses for Walmart and Sam’s Club, the largest WIGS license holder in Tennessee.
We were so excited, we asked the Director to pose for a photo.
Director Byrd is in the middle, between Tucker Herndon and yours truly on the right. Bone McAllester partnered with Tucker at Burr Forman to license Walmart and Sam’s Club. We thank Tucker and Burr Forman for the opportunity to work together.
Director Byrd and the staff at the Tennessee ABC have been working hard on WIGS. Unofficial counts show that 499 WIGS applications are filed as of noon today. 398 have been issued conditional letters of approval, allowing the stores to stock for wine.
Director Byrd indicated that any applicant that has not been issued a letter of approval was missing required documentation.
In our humble opinion, the ABC is doing a heroic job of keeping up with an enormous barrage of paperwork.
As of noon today, 203 WIGS licenses were delivered, but not issued. The licenses are not valid until July 1, when food stores can start selling wine.
We are advising folks not to post the licenses until July 1.
Our good buddy Willa thought Faron Young was appropriate:
Wine me up turn me on and watch me cry for you
Lately drinking warm red wine is all I wanna do
Want to see what a WIGS license looks like? Here is the one for our neighborhood Walmart in 100 Oaks.
Source: https://lastcall.bonelaw.com