The ABC Server Permit process in Tennessee is going online!
And it’s coming sooner than you think. Beginning February 1, everyone is required to use the new TABC Regulatory Licensing and Permitting System or RLPS to complete the entire ABC Permit process.
BEGINNING FEBRUARY 1, ABC Server Permits, class registration, and keeping up with renewals will require a personal email address. Managers, start working to communicate this now, like today, with serving staff.
Free email addresses are easy to obtain through Google (Gmail), Yahoo, Hotmail, and others.
No email address, no class, no ABC Server Permit.
The new RPLS system is not tablet or smart phone friendly. All transactions must be completed on a laptop or desktop computer.
The permit process is reversed. You will follow these steps:
- Create your login to the RLPS
- Compete the online application process, upload 2 acceptable forms of ID, pay the $20.00 non-refundable application fee online
- During the application process you will register for a class.
- Take the class you registered for
- Get your permit within 3-5 days if your application is all good and you check your email
Beginning FEBRUARY 1 the user, whether a server, bartender, or manager, is completely responsible for the entire permitting process! Applicants receive an email from the TABC:
- When IDs don’t upload properly
- If other documents are required
- When the ABC Server Permit has been issued and is ready to download.
Yep, the RLPS not only requires an email address, it also requires checking those emails!
Industry licensing will also change beginning April 1. Sixty (60) days prior to state alcohol license renewals TABC Agents are coming to your location to go over your account and the process in detail. In addition, they will do an inspection at the same time. Look now and KNOW when your license expires so you are ready to knock that inspection out of the park. DO NOT go to the RLPS system for license renewals until the TABC has contacted you.
It’s broken down even further in the following documents:
LBD Restaurant and Limited License Renewal
For valuable updates from the TABC sign up here and as always you can contact us anytime!
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Source: TopShelf